Friday, February 26, 2016

Always Learning ...

Hello there,

Back in SS1 (10th grade equivalent?), we were a handed a sheet of paper that listed occupations and what subjects you should be good at to succeed in them. Based on my teen-self's academic prowess, I had a lot of options (a lot) but I was drawn to engineering. The one thing I like about being an engineer today is the ability to assess a problem and design a solution. For my ZCD work, I usually break down the item to its basic shapes in my head and them build it up from there (unless I'm using a prepared pattern).

Today's post is a bit of a show-and-tell. I have added 4 more items to my 'I-know-how-make-this' list and I wanted to share them with you. If you've browsed the Etsy store (here), you know that besides clothing, I can make accessories. Until now, accessories = bowties, purses and earrings. After today, I can add wristlets, lapel flowers custom bias tape and peplum belts.

These new items were custom orders and I did some research, reviewed tutorials and figured out how to make them. Yay for learning!!!

Lapel Flowers

These are rectangular pleated strips with one zig-zag edge, can you tell?

This one is a folded over rectangular gathered strip. 

(Zippered Pouch with Wrist Strap)

Had to rip and re-do a couple seams but I got it!

DIY Bias Tape

Peplum Belt
(hi-low style)

Start with a hi-low circle skirt, cut a line down the center, add a long waistband.


Friday, February 19, 2016

It's A Wrap (Or 2)

Hi there,

I finally made my first wrap dress ... well, first and second wrap dresses.

I've made a couple of faux wrap dresses for myself but never an actual wrap dress because I have this nagging concern that one day, the 'wrap' won't be in the right place at the right time to cover up them private bits. But that's just me. My new client (referred by another client, thank you Ms. M) ordered 2 identical wrap dresses.

I'll be delivering them to her this weekend ... so excited.

Enjoy the pictures below.

My initial plan was to make both dresses simultaneously: cut pieces at the same time, sew bodice on one then the other, sew belt on one then the other and attach skirt on one then the other.

But then I decided to prepare one for a fitting so that if adjustments were needed, I'd only have to adjust one. As it turned out, Ms. O wanted the skirt shorter and the style changed to a pencil skirt.

Lining up seams like a BOSS.

All done now.
There's fastenings on the inside of the belt for securing the left half of the wrap.